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Day 11: I guess I’ll respond to this HuffPost Article about AmeriCorpsVistas

So there’s this article going around about AmeriCorps Vista service members from the Huffington Post (read in full here) regarding what AmeriCorps Vistas are doing in the current shutdown and it kind of is an interesting take on what we’re going through right now.

As I have explained, we’re not technically federal employees, but we are federally funded so the furlough has made it so that we are not getting paid on our normal pay schedule. However, our pay will accrue and eventually, upon the opening of the government, we will get paid our ‘earnings’ for the month (or so we’ve been told). 

So, that having been explained, let’s talk about the article.

The Huffington Post did a narrative of one Vista who discussed her difficulties during the current shutdown. Now, don’t get me wrong, she’s absolutely right that missing a pay period is “devastating” as we are living on less than $1000 a month. She’s dead on. It’s ridiculous and is making us all nervous about paying our bills. She also makes a good point that Vistas should be allowed to work more than one job if they feel it is necessary. Many families that live in poverty work more than one job to stay afloat; that is a reality of the people that we serve. This is all well and good.

But here is where I think that her frustrations are misguided… This Vista asks “Why are our supervisors on furlough and we’re not?” … But that is not the question that needs to be asked. In fact, I don’t really see this as an appropriate question to begin with and that is because no one wants to be furloughed.

No one wants to be sitting at home, twiddling their thumbs, forgoing pay (although during the last shutdown I believe that most employees, if not all, were backpaid), and doing nothing. And certainly, no one wants to be at their federal position as an essential employee not being guaranteed that their pay will accrue. So for this particular Vista to say that “she feels AmeriCorps Vista should not require employees to work during the shutdown,” I ask what is it that she wants to be doing? I would hate not working right now. But maybe that’s because I don’t live in a particularly entertaining city…? Maybe. But still…

Anyways, my point is is that the government shutdown is awful for everyone. Anyone that is directly affected by the shutdown is going through difficulties and as we’ve discussed before, that is about 1.8 million people. We, yes even us lowly AmeriCorps Vista members, are a part of a community of federal employees (or volunteers) that is going through the same awful situation, so this is a moment for us to look around at the people we serve, co-workers, etc. and experience reality, instead of expecting some kind of special treatment.

Reality Check: AmeriCorps Vista members are awesome. Living in poverty sucks. The government shutdown sucks even more for millions of reasons. Special treatment is reserved for those with money. These are tough realities to face, but they’re part of the system most of us are trying to alter, so keep your eye on the prize and trek through this ridiculous shutdown.

Remember the most important part of this reality check? AmeriCorps Vista Members are AWESOME.

I’m so proud of all of my fellow Vistas. You guys are so amazing and it’s incredible to see the difference you are all making in your communities. Not only that, but you guys are really awesome… We need to get a reunion going soon. GROW GROW! VISTA VISTA!


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